Monday, November 3, 2008

Sweet Sixteen!

Happy Sweet Sixteen Jessica!

Today my oldest child turns 16 years old! It seem like just a few years ago I found out I was pregnant with her. I don't think mine or Clay's family were too excited when we told them we were expecting Jess. Clay and I had only known each other two months when we got married, then I was pregnant a month after that. So you can see why our families didn't think this was the greatest news! But a few months before she was born Clay's little brother Cody died, and I think Jessica was a nice distraction for his family. Jessica was born the day Bill Clinton was elected president (the first time). I remember waking up the next morning after she was born(I had been heavily sedated after her birth), and hearing the TV in the room next door to me saying "president elect Clinton" and thinking "Wow, these drugs are really making me crazy". I never thought for a moment that he would be our next president, but I wasn't crazy, he really was!

Jessica was born very mature for her age. My dad has a favorite story about Jessica that he loves to tell anyone who will listen. When Jess was only three years old she got a scratch on her finger. She went to my dad and he asked her if she needed a band aid. Her reply to him was "No Papa, I need Neosporin on it first".
Even now she is more mature for her age. Clay and I wouldn't be surprised if after her first year of college she came home engaged to a 24 year old guy.
But that maturity came in handy for us many times. When Jess was ten I had just given birth to Luke. Jessica would wake up with the baby every morning, change his diaper, give him his bottle, and keep him happy for me so that I could sleep in. She knew I had been up a few times at night with him and she was so sweet to let me get a few more hours of sleep in the morning.

This is a picture of what Jessica wore to school this morning. Tyler gave her the shirt!
Happy Sweet 16 Jessica- we love you!!!
Yesterday, without notice, my brother Tom dropped by for a visit. Of course because I didn't know he was coming I wasn't home to see him. But the kids enjoyed spending a hour with him and I guess they kept him busy. Next time please call and let us know you will be coming!!

I have no idea what they are doing in these pictures, because the kids took them, but they wanted me to post them.


Carter Family said...

Wow!!! Sixteen! I still can't believe that! :) She is a beautiful girl! We got the shirts at Target. IT's actually a whole shirt that goes over. We had such a good time... people were quite shocked... you know since we are such rebels and all! :)

Melinda said...

I can't beleive she is 16. That is just plain crazy. We are getting so old. I texted her this morning. I figured that was the cool way to say happy bday. Her party looked fun.

Libby said...

Wow...16! That is so crazy. I talked to Jess tonight and she sounded like she has had a great birthday!

The shirt Tyler gave here is hilarious. I had no idea kids were so expressive about their feelings at that age. In cedar's high school, boys would hold your hand and kiss you in private, but in public they totally ignored you. It was like they were embarrassed to show the other guys they had feelings.

Why were you so heavily sedated after having Jess? I don't remember that! And for you information...I was so thrilled when you got pregnant! Jess was the little sister I always wanted!

Rachelle said...

Happy b-day to Jess. I am going to hurry and go post a Happy b-day to her facebook. I am so sorry about Tom. Sometimes he just does things without any warning. Did you see the 80s costume he decided on? I about died when he asked me to put eyeliner on him. Actually, I think he was trying to find Kenny's house and got a little lost in the rain. So, he came for directions.

Tonya said...

I can't believe our oldest kids are 16, well seth will be in June. Life is so exciting. I keep thinking about how e3xciting it will be to have a new baby and then I remember they grow up and become teenagers and get a bit nervous. I"m hoping seth and sabrina will be as helpful with the baby as jessica was. I will definitely need it. Well don't get to cold up there.