Saturday, January 10, 2009

snow, snow go away, don't come back another day!

This is a picture of my lovely backyard. I have one question that needs to be asked....Where did my trampoline go????? We don't have a trampoline that is built into the ground. Ours stands about 4 feet high. The trailer that is next to the trampoline is almost completely covered as well. I guess we wont be using that until spring.

I've had a hard week and I can blame it all on the snow and sick kids. Cody stayed home from school 3 out of 5 days last week and I'm so sick of all the snow, I seriously don't like to get out of bed on mornings I know it's going to snow. The days Cody was home I was trapped inside the house all day, which drives me crazy! And then with all the snow it made me even more crazy!

But there were some good parts to the week. On Weds. I met up with Melinda and we had lunch in Orem and then went shopping. It was good to get out even if it was only for a few hours and see my sister.

On Friday I went out for a girls night out with my good friend Stephanie. We did some shopping, had a great dinner, tried to see Bride Wars but it was sold out, so we headed to Goodwood for a treat. We ordered some hot chocolate and their chocolate brownie dessert. I swear the waitress thought we were crazy, but it was heaven! You can never have too much chocolate.

On Saturday Cody, Brittany and Savannah started Basketball so we spent the morning at their games. When we arrived home Jessica had the whole house clean. She knows when I've had a bad week and how to make me happy again! I'm very blessed to have such a wonder family. :)


Melinda said...

Wow, can Jess come to my house? How nice would that be! Way to go Jess.

Sorry Cody was sick all week. I go nuts if I am trapped in the house.

I am so ready for the snow to be gone. We have been trying to pull off our Christmas lights so that we can plug the heat tape in. What a total pain. We have had to pour a ton of hot water to unfreeze the lights in the snow. Uggh.

Libby said...

Ah, how sweet of Jess!

I am sorry your week was such a bummer because of the snow! You can come visit me for a while...ha ha. It is sunny here! No snow anywhere! Why on earth we are coming up there for a visit instead I can not figure out. But I am excited to see you guys and have a girls weekend!

I really want to see Bride Wars too. I looks funny!

Jill Walker said...

You have a friend named Stephanie? That is hilarious! So when someone calls Stephanie do you both answer?

What a wonderful daughter you have! I wish someone would come and clean my house! Only it would have to be while I was gone because I would be so embarrassed to watch someone do it while I was here!

I hope everyone is well and back to normal soon!

Just think, the snow is not that bad. You know there is an end!

Rachelle said...

Ah. We are kindred spirits with the snow hating. I have to force myself out of bed when there is too much snow also.