Thursday, September 22, 2011

The city fair

One big event that took place while I was gone was our cities fair. This is so big in our little town that everything shuts down for this fair, including schools and work establishments! The kids only had to go to school for half a day and Clay was sent home after only working a half a day as well. By lunch time it was time to hit the fair grounds! 

 Savannah was still in her school uniform because he music class preformed at one of the events during the fair.

What would a fair be without some great farm animals!

Luke standing in front of the number one animal around these parts! Sheep!

I had to include this picture of Cody. He had come home from one of his rugby practices and his allergies were so bad his face got swollen, it was like he had been beaten! When he left for practice he was just fine, this happened in just an hours time. Poor kid, his allergies have been so bad this spring!


Libby said...

Whoa, that is a crazy pic of Cody! Do they have Benydryl in Australia? Or if they do, does it cost all of Clay's paycheck? Hee hee!

That is a great pic of you drying your hair by the fire!

It is amazing to me that you can go to the temple with four of your five kids! I can't wait to go to the temple with my kids. What a cool experience that must be!

Melinda said...

Holy cow, poor Cody! I can't believe his face got so swollen!

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! Poor Cody!