Saturday, September 5, 2009

Temple date

I love this picture of my three girls standing in front of the Mt. Tempanogas Temple. Clay decided in August that he wanted to start this new tradition in the family and it would be taking all the kids, who were old enough, to the Temple to do Baptisms for the dead every week. The first week was the hardest, I swear Satan was out to make sure they didn't make it! Every night some thing would come up and they wouldn't be able to go. But finally, by Thursday evening they were able to make it! Thankfully, they have been able to keep this up, only missing one week when the girls were at Lake Powell, with their Aunt Kym.
It has been a wonderful experience for the girls and Clay to be able to do this Temple work with each other. We have noticed that the fighting amongst the kids has decreased and the girls have been more patient. Yes, my teenage girls have been less moody! But more importantly, it's helping them realize the importance of the Temple in their lives and hopefully this will start a wonderful habit of going to the Temple frequently now and when they are older.


Melinda said...

This is really cool! I love this idea. Way to go.

Libby said...

What a great idea! Seriously...this will be so great for your family! I will have to remember this one when it is our turn.

The fireside was SO wonderful. I love the story about the non member girl from Rio. That is awesome. I will have to try out for the choir next year. I am thrilled to know that you don't have to live in SLC to do it! I have been practicing with my LDS music and trying to tone down the verbrado(sp?)! Good to know.