Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cody first Rugby game

It didn't take us long to find Cody a sports team to join! Cody just isn't himself unless he is out on a field and playing some kind of sport. His first true love is Football, but since they don't play it here we found the closest thing to it....Rugby! I admit, I love watching Cody out on the field, doing his thing. I will miss not watching him play tackle football the next few years, and Rugby in no way matches up to football, but it will keep him in shape and ready for when we move back to the states and he can play football again!

 If any of you have seen me at Cody's football games, I'm on the sidelines pacing back and forth, oh yea and I'm screaming, well cheering screaming! Here they don't let you on the field with the boys, you're forced to sit in the bleachers and there isn't much to cheer about! Do you like how I'm sitting exactly like the older lady below me!

 They line the boys up at first before the game begins and the boys shake hands with the other team. Cody is number 11

 Cody next to his mate Harry, number 4, it's really fun when Harry runs the ball for a try (touch down in America) cause all the parents are chanting, Harry, over and over again. I feel like I'm in the Harry Potter movie at a Quiditch match!

Since Cody just started playing and doesn't really understand all the rules, his coach came out during half time to teach Cody a little more about what the heck is going on! Nothing like playing a game you really don't understand!

His team mates were really great and made an extra effort to give Cody the ball! But his favorite still, of course is tackling! That's Cody taking down the kid with the ball!

Cody pushing the ball back with his foot after being tackled.
The Parkes team (our team) ended up winning this game 38-6


Beck said...

Looks awesome! but it's a pitch not a field!

Melinda said...

It looks like so much fun. I don't know if I could just sit there on the bleachers. I tend to do what you do.

Unknown said...

Totally love the photo of you and the other "lady" sitting exactly the same. Sorry you have to sit in the stands, I know it must be hard.
I loved seeing the photos of Cody's Rugby match, he'll be a star in no time. I am so glad that the kids are getting so involved already. Take care and KEEP POSTING! This is all we get of you guys, so it would fun to see more!!

Libby said...

Cody looks so grown up in his uniform! He looks like a teenager. I couldn't figure out what the heck they were all wearing on their heads at first. They looked like beanies made out of yarn! But then in one of the pictures, it was closer up on their helmets and I could see them more clearly!

The beach pictures are absolutely beautiful! I am wishing I was there!!!

Julie said...

NICE! I'm so glad he found a team to join so quickly. But I must admit it hurts my heart so much that he won't be playing football and that you're not here to be wild and crazy with me on the sidelines! Seriously miss you guys so much!!!!!