Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy birthday to Luke

I feel terrible because I'm so far behind on my posts! I went to Utah for a month and let everything get so far behind! So I'm going to be playing catch up for a while, I'm sorry, just hang in there and enjoy my older posts!
We celebrated Luke's 9th birthday as best as we could in this small bush town of ours by going to dinner at Pizza Hut! Yep, that is what he wanted and we were just so excited he didn't ask for McDonald's of Mackers as they call it here in Oz. After a dinner that wasn't to all that bad we headed home for some presents and cake.  Now, just so you don't feel bad for Luke not getting a big party, you have to know that we threw him one earlier in Utah, before we moved, with a trillion friends and bouncy house!

Luke scored this birthday with some new Lego's, k'nex and a bike!  Don't ask me why I'm already in my pj's in those pictures. I guess after dinner I felt inclined to change out of my regular clothing, not realizing that there would be pictures later on!
Happy Birthday to my youngest little guy! I love you and hope you will remember your first birthday in Australia and love it!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Luke!!!!! And no worries with you jammies! I'm in my jammies as early as possible every night, or early evening or sometimes even afternoon! Hahahaha!