Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things!

When Clay first approached me with the idea of the family staying in Utah after Christmas without him it lead to a lot of sleepless nights for me, wondering if I was capable of parenting by myself. We have all heard that it takes a village to raise a child and I totally believe it! I really feel like we were lead to the neighborhood in Highland four years ago because it is the only place I feel like I could be a single parent and succeed at it!  I really have the BEST neighbors and friends ever! There hasn't been a week that has gone by that one of my neighbors hasn't called me or text me to see how I'm doing. They plan lunch dates, invite us over for Sunday dinner, include my kids in activities that they know they would like.  On top of great neighbors, we have the best school I could ask for. Luke was diagnosed with some developmental delays when he was young and his school has the BEST teachers, that know him just as well as I know him. They understand how he works and use that to help him in all the areas that he needs! I really could not do any of this without all these incredible people helping me! My sister in law Lacy will laugh at this, because we joke about it, but the Lord has really blessed me with so many tender mercies since we have been back! I'm more than humbled everyday when I see the Lords hand in some many areas of my families lives.

It hasn't taken us long to get right back into the swing of things. The girls are doing great in High school and even have made new friends too.  Savannah started Lacrosse, which she has never played before, but jumped right in and is loving it! Brittany is looking for employment everyday and on the weekends is taking a ACT prep class.  To our surprise there are about 6 kids from our ward in that class too, so Brittany carpools down to BYU with them every Saturday.
Cody jumped right back into his life in our ward and school.  He was behind in Math because of our move to Australia, but not by much, and since he picks it up so quickly, his teacher has requested that he take the exam to get into the accelerated class next year in 7th grade.  He told us how none of his friends played football at recess any more since he left, but it only took one day to get that one back up and running! He even got a spot on the ski bus that our neighborhood puts together ever winter.  My kids always did the ski bus every year before our move, which starts in January and runs through March and takes the kids up every Saturday morning to Park City to snowboard, then brings them back. It really is an awesome thing, mostly cause we don't have to take them up and they love it and it's great exercise and something they will do for the rest of their lives! Plus, it's just our neighborhood that does it, so they get to go up with all their friends!
Cody's ski bus 

On top of getting the kids back and busy with their friends and school, we are quickly filling up our entire summer with activities already! The girls have both been signed up for EFY, Cody and Luke will do football camp at BYU. Luke is also doing some cooking classes at Thanksgiving point. For those of you that haven't heard, Luke wants to be a chef when he grows up. He is always the one next to me in the kitchen when I'm cooking and is eager to help me. He really just enjoys eating what ever is cooked! I think that is the main reason why he wants to learn to cook, so he wont starve to death!

I'm just so thankful and feel so blessed to be back in Utah.  Also, to be in the area that we are in! To be given all the opportunities we have been given! I really took these things for granted before our move, but now can't be more than thankfully for every single one of them! Even though I'm not living with my husband right now, and somedays I completely fall apart, I really am so happy and thankful for the life I have been given!


Christine said...

Reading your post I thought, that's exactly how I'm feeling about things here in Arizona. We have had so many tender mercies just like you guys. It is such a testimony builder. I'm so glad that things are going so well for you guys. Hopefully Clay can make it out soon! That's got to be so hard. Hang in there!

Jill Walker said...

Wow, where have I been?! I didn't even know you had stayed here. Please let us know if you need anything we are here for you!! I am glad that the Lord is blessing you, where would we be without him?!

Libby said...

We are so glad you are back too! I was thinking your fam shoud come up for Sunday dinner!

Melinda said...

I am so so glad you have had so many good friends reach out to you nd help ou out.

I feel bad that I have been so wrapped up in helping Jason that I haven't reached out to help you out at all. I am so sorry for that. We need to meet and have the boys come spend the night and spend the weekend with us so that you can get a break.