Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm a flake!

I have been such a flake lately and have to admit, I just haven't wanted to take the time to blog for the past week weeks. I keep forgetting to bring my camera with me when we do stuff, so I use that as my excuse why I don't blog, because lets be honest, who wants to just read a post?
Our family has been staying busy with the usual stuff like basketball (once again, no pictures to show you). Cody has been playing on a team down at the Flash Factory and has only three games left. Brittany starts tonight with her first practice. Clay and I took the two boys to the Jazz game last week. Clay gets to use the companies suite and loves to take the kids with him, and the kids love going. It's fully stocked with food, drinks and desserts and sometimes stuff from the gift shops.
We stayed home for Thanksgiving this year because Jessica got a job at Wendy's and was working all week. If you ever happen to be in Highland and what to see Jessica at her finest, stop on in at Wendy's and you can check her out. She has decided that school just isn't her cup of tea and has, well, she doesn't like to say she has dropped out, but she is " opted out" and is taking her GED. She is working full time and saving her money for college.
At least she looks cute doing it! Right?

Cody has been spending a lot of time with he best friend Getty who just happens to have a little sister named Ellie. Ellie, who is only 2, maybe 3 has developed a huge crush on Cody. She runs to Cody as soon as he comes over. She has even made up a song all about, well, yes, Cody! At church is when she sees him in the hallway she will jump out of her fathers arms towards Cody. Now if you remember from previous posts, Cody loves little kids. So, he loves all the attention he is getting from her. I joke with his mom about it being too bad she isn't just a little older and Cody and her could possibly hook up some time in the future, What a story that would be.

This is a picture Getty's mom sent me not to long ago of a typical day when Cody is over. You can see Ellie running up trying to get Cody to hold her.

This Sunday our ward is getting split. I'm really nervous about this because I'm afraid one of my girls will loose their friends because of it. But it's something that really needs to happen. This is a picture of Savannah last night at her Beehive activity.
Yes, we have over 30 Beehives in our ward right now!

One more thing before I end this post. I have to give a shout out for everyone to go and see The Blind Side. We took our kids over the Thanksgiving weekend and I have to say, it is by far, the best movie of the year. And I was thankful my kids saw it as well. It's a great movie about how one boy, who had nothing, got taken in by this wealthy family, and they changed his life so much. He now plays in the NFL. A wonderfully uplifting movie that I cried all the way through. Clay told me after the movie that he has now found my long lost twin. The leading lady in the movie, played by Sandra Bullock, he says is exactly like me. He didn't think we looked alike, but that we act just the same. She is a very feisty women and yes, I have to admit I did see some similarities, but really just like me, I don't think so. Ok, well maybe :)


Jill Walker said...

Ok. That many beehives -- that is just scary! I have seen that picture twice now and I am still in amazement.

Melinda said...

This Sunday should be very interesting with the split. That is a ton of girls. Those poor advisers.

Jess looks cute in her uniform. I hope she likes her first pay check.

That is a crack up about Cody and the little girl. It is a cute picture of her with her hands up at him.

Libby said...

I can't believe you have that many beehives! Every ward I have ever been in has such a scarce young womens!

Jess looks very cute in her Wendy's costume! By far the cutest girl in fast food!

We miss you at Thanksgiving!