Monday, December 7, 2009

Live Nativity

Tonight for Family Home Evening I thought it would be fun to take the kids to see a live Nativity that a family in Alpine puts on every year. We dressed in our warmest winter clothing since it was only 20 degrees outside and headed to a church in Alpine where you board a horse trailer or bus, depending on what ever one you get and head up the hill to a families ranch where you get to enter the town of Bethlehem.
My kids were so happy we were able to get to take the horse trailer instead of the heated bus! Granddad Collins would of been so proud!

As we entered the city gates we were greeted by this Roman soldier who were nicer than I thought, but he did ask us if we had seen any baby boys around.

There were many different kinds of wild life walking around the city of Bethlehem. Camels, horses, sheep, goats, swans and ducks just to name a few.

The people who live in the city of Bethlehem were especially friendly. They showed us how they make tools, weave baskets, bake breads and make pottery. This one special boy also played on Cody's football team!

After passing through the city we finally were led to a little stable. When we went inside we found baby Jesus with his mother Mary and Father Joseph.

After leaving the stable we were given a nice cup of hot chocolate, I'm sure a favorite drink in Bethlehem.
It was a wonderful experience! The kids really enjoyed themselves and after we left we hit Wendy's and had a $10 dinner thanks to Jessica's 50% discount! Can't beat that family home evening!


Melinda said...

Was that baby in a heated area?? That is a pretty darn cool thing to do. A great idea. I wonder if anything like that is done closer to me.

Rachelle said...

That is cool and kudos to all those kids for braving the cold.

Isaac got asked to do a live nativity at the creche festival and he said he couldn't handle standing still for that long (10 minutes). Crazy boy

Libby said...

That did look like a real baby! I was wondering how he stayed warm as well!

Very cool though. We have a live nativity here at Tuachan which I should take the kids to!

Gotta love the discount at Wendy's! Perks, perks, perks!