Thursday, November 20, 2008

Funny Sayings!

My Luke is so funny sometimes that I need to write everything down so when he is older he will be able to read about the crazy things he said as a child. Luke has always loved to cook with me when ever and what ever I have to be making. His favorite is of course my chocolate chip cookies. I swear he knows the recipe by heart and he helps me mix all the ingredients. He actually is good at cracking eggs and putting the ingredients in the Kitchen Aide. Last night he came into my room and begged me to make some cookies for him, so of course I couldn't refuse. He got all the ingredients out for me and helped me mix it all together. While we were making the cookies Luke told me "mom when I get to be a teenager I want to become a chef". I told him that I thought he would make a wonderful chef. He then went on to say "And when I become a chef I want to McDonald's, maybe Subway".

This is of course Luke's favorite part of cooking, the taste testing!After the cookies were done I got out a few clothes I had bought the boys yesterday while I was shopping with my mother and Melinda. I found this sweater vest and thought it would be cute for Luke to wear for Church around Christmas time. Luke loved it and had to put it on imediately. He did have a shirt on but he took it off, not knowing that it is supposed to be worn with a shirt underneath it. He went around the house dressed like this, with his vest and boxers on only. It made me laugh so hard I had to take a picture with him like this.


Melinda said...

That is so darn funny! He looks awfully cute in that vest. It was so fun yesterday. Thanks!

Rachelle said...

Well let's just hope he becomes a Subway Chef. I really hate McDonalds. Of course maybe he could class up the place in his sweater vests. I love funny kids.

Libby said...

Jack has that same vest! We can dress them up the same when they are together next week. Fun!

Luke does say some of the funniest things. The McDonalds and Subway chef is hilarious!