Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Temple visit

Since we have moved here to Utah I have been struggling with myself because I really didn't want to move back to this state. I really enjoyed living in Utah when I was in Cedar Hills, but once I moved out of the state I realized how much I enjoy living outside of Utah rather than in it. When I moved to Colorado I told Clay I wanted to live there the rest of our lives. It is the most beautiful state I have ever lived in and it has the nicest people there too. We loved going to the Rockies games in the summer and were really looking forward to becoming crazy Broncos fans. We found the greatest little town named Elizabeth that we wanted to someday buy tons of land in and build our dream home. But that was never to happen because after only a year in Colorado, Clay got a promotion and transferred back to Utah. I have since than tried to find the positive with this move. I enjoy being close to family and friends again and yesterday I got to take my kids through the Draper Temple. This is an experience that doesn't happen too often and I wanted to give my children the opportunity to see the inside of the temple before it is dedicated.

Before going to the temple you have to go to a stake center where they show you a movie explaining why we have temples. You can see the small TV behind us that they had set up in a Relief Society room of the church.

After the movie they loaded us up into buses and drove us to the temple.

After the temple tour was over we walked over to the church next to the temple for light refreshments. They had the cultural hall all decked out with beautiful pictures of all the temple around the world and pictures of the Savior. This picture was my favorite of the Savior.

It was such a neat experience to be able to walk my children through the temple and explain to them the different things that we do in all the rooms. My girls loved seeing the bridal room, I know someday I will be there with them in that same room, on their special day. We were able to sit and spend some time in the Celestial room. The kids spent most of the time staring up at the beautiful chandelier and the carvings that were in the ceiling. At the end of the tour you spend a few minutes in the sealing room. I got to hold up Luke into the mirrors and show him how his refection kept going on and on forever, just like we would be together forever as a family.
It was a great experience and I'm so thankful that we are here in Utah right now and able to have an opportunity like this.


Rachelle said...

I am of course jealous you got to take your kids to the temple but jealousy is not a very positive attribute so I am really pleased you got to take all your kids. What an awesome experience.

And by the way I totally get the Colorado thing (I was born there and lived there for at least 7 years of my life. Colorado just kind of gets under your skin and makes you love it.

Reynolds Family said...

Glad you had a good time...we are going in Feb. Glad you moved to Utah too...I'm pretty sure Emma and Luke wouldn't have met in college :) Well, unless someone traded sides!

Libby said...

How awesome! I bet your kids will remember this forever.

Steve and Jen said...

We loved the temple tour too! Couldn't have been better! You should try Texas to add to your list of states you love. I wasn't sure about moving back here either, but there is good/bad in every state. So we love it here now!

Jill Walker said...

You've been tagged. Go to my blog to see what you have to do.

Melinda said...

I am sad we didn't get to go with you. It would have been such an awesome experience for the kids.

Christine said...

Girl, you are hard to get a hold of! I sent you an invite for a party for this Thursday. I hope you can come, it's going to be lots of fun.
That's so fun you got to take your kids to the temple. I can't wait to take the boys in a few weeks.
PS I tagged you on my blog so check it out.

Steve and Jen said...

So fun that you are going to San Antonio. I love it there! I could visit there once a month and never get tired of it. Hope you're flying on Delta :-) So you keep that airline hoppin!