Saturday, January 3, 2009

Utes Victory!

Last night after four hours of biting my nails, jumping up and down from the couch, screaming at the top of my lungs after every good play (which were many) my beloved Utes killed Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. My very lucky parents were there in person to watch this amazing game. I talked to my father during half time, but it wasn't very long since he couldn't hear me very well. He said that they were out number 50-1 at the game (50 Alabama fans to 1 Utes fan). And that it was completely crazy during the game. I'm soooooo very jealous we weren't able to go to New Orleans to see the game in person. But it was so sweat to see them kill Alabama and to see Kyle Wittingham holding up that trophy in the end. We grew up with the Wittinghams in our stake in California. My brother Tom and I were friends with Kyle's younger brother Brady. He posted pictures today on his face book page that he took after the game. They looked like they were having the time of their lives. I couldn't be more happy for them!
Today while we were driving to the movies we passed this church and saw the Utes flag waving proud in the wind. I told Clay to pull over and take a picture of it. How awesome is this???? Could life be any better right now?

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

It was so funny to watch Tom cheering his heart out for the Utes for once. We are glad they won too because well it just helps BYU too. Hee HEE