I was so upset I wasn't having a boy, and it wasn't a very fun pregnancy either because I didn't need anything new, I already had everything I needed for a girl. I was especially not looking forward to having another baby because Brittany had such terrible colic that I was going on 5 months of little to no sleep and couldn't believe I was going to have to go through that again, so soon. Well to my surprise when Savannah was born she was a complete angel and only woke up one time during the night for a bottle. She even slept most of the day.
She is a wonderful addition to our family and I have to say I'm so thankful now that all my girls are older, that they are so close in age to each other. Brittany and Savannah are very close and best friends with each other. It was worth it to have three girls in 3 1/2 years!
Besides clothes, Lego's and an old i-pod she also got a necklace from her Aunt Kym with an "S" on it. It is so cute and went perfectly with her new clothes. The good thing is I can also where the necklace too! Yea
Happy Birthday Savannah!
Now, I need to write about other things that have been going on since school let out. I met up with my sister Melinda a few times for lunch in Orem. This last time we took the kids to see the movie Up.
Cody made it to the Championship play-offs in baseball this year. Unfortunately, they lost their last game and came in 2nd place. You just can't win them all!
Just one more funny thing I have to put in so that I don't forget it. Luke has been complaining every Sunday about going to church. He finally asked us last week "when is it break for church"? Clay and I just looked at him puzzled and he said "you know how it's break for school, when is it break for church?" We couldn't help but laugh, he thought because it was summer break for school that it should be summer break for church. When we explained there wasn't a summer break for church he got even more upset. We'll have to bring that one up with President Monsen and see what he has to say about it.
That is pretty funny about summer break with church. Is it bad that sometimes I wish we could have a summer break from our callings?
When we get back we should meet half way and let the boys spend the night here. I think everyone would love that. We'll have to come up with a day.
That shirt of Savannah's hamster shirt is pretty darn funny. So perfect for her.
Ah, Jack would love a summer break from church! What is up with this age the boys are in and hating church. Jack is so put out to have to go and sit still and be told to sing songs. It saddens me a bit! Hopefully he will grow out of it.
Happy birthday Savannah! I am so sorry I forgot to call. Probably no surprise to you. I am the slacker sister for sure when it comes to remembering b-days. I bet all the other aunts sent cards are were good. :( Her party looks like fun though! I love that she wanted legos! She is so funny. And the hamster shirt is a crack up! So Savannah! I love the S necklace idea though. That is such a great gift.
Happy Birthday to Savannah. That is so cool she wanted legos. That girl is always full of surpises and that is why I love her.
Oh Luke. Lia doesn't ask to get off church she just wants to be able to go to swimming lessons on Church day.
Love CPK! Congratulations on getting to join the choir that is so awesome! I am so happy for you.
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