Sunday, July 12, 2009


I had to find an example of Savannah's practical jokes just so you understand how planned and precise they are. Her Beehive leader sent these to me after girls camp this year.

Here is a pretty innocent picture of Savannah, Brittany and their friend Annie.
Look more closely and you will see the joke!

Yes, Savannah once again pulled a fast one on her friends!

Poor Brittany, she is usually the receiver of her sister's jokes!


Libby said...

What is that Savannah is holding? A frog? Those are hilarious pictures!

I'm so glad Brit had a great time at EFY. Rick's was my favorite place of all the EFY's that I went to. It is more small and you get to know more people than at BYU's EFY! THe girls look cute in the dresses too!

Savannah actually looks really good as a goth! SHe pulls it off well. :)

Melinda said...

That is so funny of Savannah! THose pictures are so funny. I didn't realize how much of a practical joker she is.

Brit looks so great in her di clothes. That is so great she had such a great time there.

I am with Lib, Savannah looks really good as a goth. She looks so much like Clay in that picture.