Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Relief Society Choir
It's interesting for me to look back at all the different places I have lived especially just the last few years and I know exactly why we were supposed to be in those places at that perticular time. When we were first given the job in Valencia, Ca. I didn't want to leave Utah because I felt we couldn't have the same quality of life in Ca. that we had in Utah. But we still went. The year we spent in Ca. is filled with the most fun memories my children and I have. We spent a lot of time together as a family going to Disneyland, the beach, whale watching, swimming and other fun things.
Then we were sent to Denver. Once again, I didn't want to go because I was really enjoying our lives in Ca. But in Denver I was able to find the most amazing preschool for Luke. Luke is our youngest and at the time was suffering with some language and developmental delays. He was terrified of being separated from me and I didn't think he would ever be able to attend preschool. I had him tested for his speech and because he qualified he was able to attend a preschool that helped with all his special needs. The women who were his teachers were amazing and both Luke and I became really close to everyone at the preschool. I know that we were supposed to be there in Denver for Luke. He is now doing so much better with his speech and loves going to Kindergarten with no problems.
After only a year in Denver we were moved once again back to Utah. Again, I did not want to move out of Colorado. We were in Utah only 6 months when Savannah was diagnosed with Juvenille Diabetes. We have been so blessed to be here in Utah where they have Primary Childrens Medical Center. This facility is so amazing and I can't even imagine going through something like these without the support of this hospital.
And now I get the opportunity to sing in the conference center during the Relief Society General Meeting. If I wasn't in Utah I would have never had an opportunity like this. Ok, I'm going to reveal a big secret of mine and that is I would love one day to be in the Tabernacle Choir. I know that is weird to some people, but it's something that has always been a dream of mine.
Anyways, back to the choir, our first practice two Sundays ago I figured we would show up and practice the songs we were going to sing. Boy was I wrong! When we arrived there they had us sign in, we sat down and warmed up our voices. Then we had one of the Stake Presidents from the Alpine Stake speak to us and he pronouced a blessing on all of us. Then one of the ladies from the Relief Society General Presidency spoke to us. We were then given a lesson on what we are to wear, when our practice times would be (if we miss one practice we are out of the choir) and then Sis. Webb got up to speak. Sis. Webb is the conductor of our choir. It's her calling to conduct all the choirs that sing in Conference, except the Tabernacle of course. She also arranged all the music we are singing. She is the most amazing women I have ever had the opportunity to meet. She doesn't just teach us our music, she inspires us every week. The first week she taught us how to connect our hearts with our faces, so that we look and express our feeling in our face that we feel in our hearts. She told us when ever we enter into a room to "add to the room, don't take anything away from it". And if we are dealing with opposition to say "Bring it on"!
I left the first practiced so inspired and ready to change my life. And the next week was even better. As soon as we started practicing our music the spirit was so strong in the room it was almost sufficating. It was hard to breath, let along sing. We had another women from the Relief Society Board talk to us and she gave this great quote "The opportunity of a lifetime rests with in the time of the opportunity".
We were told not to take offensive easily and she gave a example of how she could of easily taken offense and didn't. She was given her first assignement from Sis. Beck (the R.S. General President) and when she thought she had completed it, Sis. Beck told her "good job, now lets do it again". She has been told this three times now by Sis. Beck. She explained how she could of easily been offended by this, but she didn't and she has learned from each "try" and will continue until the assignment is done correctly.
Sis. Web read this quote from Brigham Young to us right before we left choir practice and challenged us to do what this quote asks this week in our personal lives.
"Strength the Hands of Your Fellow Beings"
If you feel evel, keep it to yourselves until you overcome that evil principle. This is what I call resisting the devil, and he flees from me.
When you are influenced by the Spirit of holiness and purity, let your light shine;but if you are tried and tempted and buffeted by Satan, keep your thoughts to yourselves-keep your mouths closed; for speaking produces fruit, either of a good or evil character.
If persons think they have greater sorrow and affliction than any others, when they reveal that sorrow and affliction, it produces fruit. You frequently hear brethren and sisters say that they feel so tired and tempted, and have so many cares, and are so buffeted, that they must give vent to their feelings; and they yield to the temptation, and deal out their unpleasant sensations to their families and neighbours. Make up your minds thoroughly, once for all, that if we have trials, the Lord has suffered them to be brought upon us, and he will give us grace to bear them; and that they do not concern our families, friends, and neighbours, we can bear them off alone. But if we have light or intelligence-that which will do good, we will impart it; but our bad feelings, our desponding feelings, our dark hours, and disagreeable sensations we will keep to ourselves. let that be the determination of every individual, for spirit begets spirit-likeness, likeness; feelings beget their likeness; and custom, custom. You know very well, by your own experience, that you are naturally inclined to more or less adopt the customs, feelings, and manners of the poeple you associate with. If, then, we give vent to all our bad feelings and disagreeable sensations, how quickly we beget the same in others, and load each other down with our troubles, and become sunk in darkness and despair! If you have anything good to say, speak it and comfort the hearts of the Saints. If you have that which tends to death, keep it to yourselves; we do not want it, for we already have plenty of it!
Frame your lives according to the precepts of the Gospel. Let your deal, walk, and conversation be that upon which an angel can look with pleasure. And in all your social communications, or whatever your associations are, let all the dark, discontented, murmuring, unhappy, miserable feelings-all the evil fruit of the mind, fall from the tree in silence and unnoticed; and so let it perish, without taking it up to present to your neighbours. But when you have joy and happiness, light and intelligence, truth and virture, offer that fruit abundantly to your neighbours, and it will do them good and so strenghthen the hands of your fellow beings.
We are given a challenge every week, and they always are something to help improve us and strengthen us. And I thought we would just be singing! This experience of being in the choir I know will change me and I'll be a better person for doing it.
And all because I moved back to Utah. Who would of guessed? Not me!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Where do I begin?
It was Cody's (3rd grade), Brittany's(8th), and Jessica's(11th) first day of school last Monday. Cody was so excited to get back to school and to see all of his "school friends" that he had not seen all summer.
Brittany loved going back to her Jr. High School and she told me her first day as an 8th grader was so much better than her first day as a 7th grader. She knew a lot more kids this year and she didn't end up eating lunch by herself, like last year.
I didn't get a chance to take a picture of Jessica before she left for school. She has to leave so early and I didn't even get a chance to see her before she took off that morning.
On Sunday Lacy and Susan (my SIL and MIL) came over for Sunday dinner. We miss having Lacy and her husband Jason over on Sunday's for dinner ever since they moved to Texas. Lacy was in town visiting the Utah crew and we were so excited to see her son Riely, who we haven't seen since he was a month old. He is now six months old. Cody loves Riely and never pass on opportunity by to hold him. He is always asking me for another baby brother (thanks Lacy), but that isn't going to be happening! I feel bad that I'm not more emotionally strong so that I could have another child. But five was my limit. Someday he'll understand that.
Cody had his first football game on Saturday. He is on the Highland Knights team. We played the Alpine Knights who are supposed to be the best team in the league. And the team that we lost to last year during the finals. When we first arrived the other team was already warming up and looked so professional, I was starting to get really worried we were going to get our bottoms kicked! But in the first quarter their teamed fumbled the ball on their 10 yard line, right when we thought they were going to score. On the next play one of our boys ran it 70 yards for our first touchdown. We scored again and at half time the score was 13-0. Cody couldn't wait to run over to me on the side lines to tell me the score. I of course reminded him that he needed to focus on the game and not on the score, but inside I was just as excited as he was. We won the game with the same score and I have to admit I was bitting my nails the entire game. It's so much more competitive than any other sports my kids have played. But it's really fun and I can't wait until next week for our next game. Cody plays both offense and defense and is almost always on the field. At first I was concerend because he was never getting a chance to rest and get water. But he told me at half time that he was having so much fun he didn't even realize he was thirsty and he never felt tired. Clay is the Defensive coach so he is allowed to be on the field with the boys. He told me that at first when he was on the field when he saw the other teams offense line up he started to get ready to tackle them and then had to remind himself that he was the coach and couldn't do that. I told him that would of made a great story on the news "235 pound coach tackles 75 pound boy".
He really is loving it and couldn't believe how much Cody reminded him of his brother Cody. He told me he even runs like Cody. I could tell Clay was on cloud nine that morning!
After the football game Kym (my SIL) and her husband Martin invited us out for a day on the lake. Now, my kids have never been water skiing before and were so excited to give it a try. Martin was so patient with all the kids and by the end of the day all the kids were wake boarding.
Friday, August 15, 2008
First Day of School, well at least for one of them!
When Savannah blood sugar gets to low she starts to get shaky and really irritable. She needs to test herself immediatly and get something into her body that will shoot up her blood sugar and quickley. She carries fruit snacks around with her everywhere in case this happens. I also have a stash in my purse with me at all times and in the car. We can't be caught off guard and not be prepared. I also have to carry around an emergency shot with me everywhere in case Savannah goes unconscious or starts having a seizure. This shot is a large dose of insulin that you give a diabetic before you call 911. I keep one in my purse, in the car and in the house at all times. We also had to bring one to school to give to the nurse there, in case anything happens at school.
Here is a picture of the needle she uses everyday to give herself her injections (the one on the top)
The next needle is the emergency needle I would have to use. As you can see from the size of the needle there is a big difference between the two.
Thankfully we have never had a need for the emergency shot and hopefully never will!!
I really didn't mean to get into all this diabetes stuff but I thought you would would find it interesting.
By the way, I just started on Tuesday reading the Twilight books and I love them!!!!!!!!!!!
I have finished the first two books and am now just starting the third. I can't wait until the last one!! I can't believe I waited so long to start them, but I'm kind of glad because at least I have all four books to read and I don't have to wait for one to come out! I love Edward!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wow! What a week!
This was really fun for the kids, they had a real life flight helocoper for the kids to sit in and it even had real sound effects and lights. Wow!
This part of the museum was so much fun. They had these tubes every where and all these different ways of getting the balls threw them. This one part was a vaccum, kind of like a bank teller, when you stuck the balls in they got sucked up threw all the tubes. Luke was at this place for almost a half an hour. I need to figure out how to get one of these things in my house!
She only has her permit right now, so I have six months until she is on her own and stressing me out!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Luke and Savannah of course wanted to keep him so we let them build him a house in a cooler in the garage. But today we told them they had to set him free or else he would croak! Ha Ha! So with sad hearts they walked him to the field behind our house and set him free.
Our city has this annual party called the Highland Fling, so we decided to take the kids. It started nice and early with a parade. This is a slice of Luke's face with Smokey the Bear.
I asked the kids to turn around and smile and as you can tell from this picture Savannah and Luke were not very happy that I made them do this.
After the parade we headed to the park for fun and games. They had all these different carnival type games for the kids to play and after each one they earned a ticket. When your done you take all your tickets to the prize booth that is just like Chucky-cheese's prizes (pretty much all junk) and the kids got to get their own prizes. I loved this game, you have to throw this wet sponge and try to hit the kids who faces that are sticking out of the holes. Luke got up and there were these two sweet little girls that he had to aim for, and Luke got them both smack in the face. I told him this would be the only time he was allowed to hit a girl!
After the games we got a call from my dad and brothers who were stopping in from Cedar City and we joined them for lunch. I got my family hooked on this family owned restaurant out here named JCW's. It's got amazing burgers, sandwiches and shakes. It was fun to see them and have some time to catch up with them.