Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scary Moment

This morning started out just like every other school morning. I got all the kids off to school, except Cody who is still home with Strep throat. I decided not to shower right off because I wanted to clean the house and I knew I would get all sweaty from that, so I put it off. A few hours later Brittany called from school asking me to come pick her up because she wasn't feeling good either. I got back from picking Brittany up and Cody asked if he could make himself a cup of hot chocolate. I told him sure and then went back to vacuuming the house. I heard a loud crashing noise and yelled out to Cody "what happened". I thought he might of dropped his cup of hot chocolate. He didn't respond. I yelled at Brittany to see if she knew what was going on and she didn't respond either. She was up in her room and didn't hear me. I turned off the vacuum and went into the kitchen to see what was up. I found Cody lying face down on the floor of the kitchen. I ran over to him, turned him over and noticed he was hard as a rock. His arm was up above him head and I tried to pull it down and couldn't. His eyes were open but they were rolled back into his head. I started screaming at him but he didn't respond to me. I ran for the phone and started screaming for Brittany to come downstairs. I called 911 and had Brittany call Clay and tell him that something was wrong with Cody. By then, Cody came around and was screaming in pain. I carried him to the couch and tried to get him to talk to me. The 911 operator kept me on the phone until help arrived. When the paramedics got there they checked out Cody and reassured me he was going to be alright. They told me that they were pretty sure he had had a seizure but they didn't know why. His blood pressure was pretty low when they checked him out, but besides that he was fine. They told me to call me doctor and ask him what he wanted me to do. He told me to bring Cody in as soon as possible. So we took off for the Dr. office, where Clay meet up with us. The Doctor told us it's most likely he had a seizure due to his strep. When kids get sick there blood pressure can drop quickly and that is probably what caused Cody to have his seizure. He still will be tested to make sure this isn't anything more serious. But he is home now, resting and enjoying all the attention he is getting from everyone!
You can't see it really well in this picture but Cody has a pretty sweet goose egg on his forehead where he hit his head when he feel down. It's spreading to his eye now, so by tomorrow he should have a nice black eye to go along with his goose egg!

Brittany just sent me this picture she took on her cell phone right after we got back from the Doctors office. You can see his goose egg really well in this picture! I don't kow why he looks so crazy in it. The fall must of done some brain damage! :)


Melinda said...

Holy Crap!!! how scary is that?! I hope he is okay. I am actually calling you right now to make sure. I hope it was just the strep that caused his seizure. Wow, talk about a scary thing.

Melinda said...

My kids were almost in tears when I told them. They kept praying for him in our family prayer tonight. It was most upsetting to Ashley.

Libby said...

Wow, that goose egg is huge! Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. I am really sorry you had to go through that. Very scary!!!

Rachelle said...

That must have been one of the scariest moments of your life. I found out after I saw it on Britts facebook. I am glad he is OK.
And if I could send you an apple pie right now I would because you so deserve it after the week you have had. I did at one point today start thinking about how I could get you a big box of chocolate.

Rachel said...

OMGosh! Sounds really scary. Hope he is doing ok and it's nothing more than the strep.PS. I"m never letting my kids date =)

Carter Family said...

Oh my goodness! Scary!!! Try Deathly scary! Whew... it's moments like this that you will shudder at least 10-20 times thinking about it!

Tonya said...

I am so glad he is okay. Good thing you are such a put together mom because I think I would faint. Life is so fragile. Maybe I shouldn't ground seth for not cleaning his room???? ha ha