Sunday, November 23, 2008
The big game night!
Friday, November 21, 2008
My broken family
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Funny Sayings!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Dinner with the Family
My parents will be in town all week and on Weds. I get to meet up with my mom and sister Mel again, to do some shopping all day, no kids!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Super Saturday
The last one says Christ-the reason for the season, just in case you can't read it.
I just wanted to update Cody real fast for everyone- he is doing fine and even went back to school on Friday with no problems. He was really nervous about standing up on his own because the last time he did that he did a face plant on the floor. So a few days after the seizure I took him out grocery shopping with me and forced him to walk around so that he could get his confidence back. He did just fine and the next next day was back in school. Thanks to text messaging everyone at school knew what had happened and I think Cody really enjoyed all the extra attention he got from everyone.
Now I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my Saturday with my husband. We are going to see the new James Bond movie today. Clay and I are both really excited to see this one!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Scary Moment
You can't see it really well in this picture but Cody has a pretty sweet goose egg on his forehead where he hit his head when he feel down. It's spreading to his eye now, so by tomorrow he should have a nice black eye to go along with his goose egg!
Brittany just sent me this picture she took on her cell phone right after we got back from the Doctors office. You can see his goose egg really well in this picture! I don't kow why he looks so crazy in it. The fall must of done some brain damage! :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Towards the end of the week Cody started getting a cold and a terrible cough. I kept him home for only one day because he seemed to be getting better. On Saturday he started to feel warm so we gave him some Motrin and thought that would be good enough. But on Sunday he was really bad and Clay decided to call a neighbor to help him give Cody a blessing. Thankfully this neighbor is also a doctor so when he came over he examined Cody and told us he had a pretty nasty case of Strep. He called in a prescription and we were able to start Cody on Antibiotics that night.
Thankfully no one else is sick, yet, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I got a call from Jessica's boyfriends mother on Friday afternoon. It seems that the two love birds left school early and went back to Tyler's home. No one was there at the time. When his mother got home she saw the car in the drive way so she took off her shoes, so that she could walk around the house quietly, to see where the kids were. Now we have rules that they are not allowed in either house when no one is there, we also have rules that they are not allowed in each others bedroom at any time. So Debra (Tyler's mom) wanted to see if the kids were breaking any rules. Now she didn't know if Jessica was there or not. She tip toed around the house and went downstairs to Tyler's room to find Jessica and Tyler lying on his bed making out!!! She freaked out and yelled at the two of them for some time, I hear. She called me and told me what happened and I got Jessica home and told her to kiss her life goodbye for a few weeks because she was grounded. I had to call Clay while he was in Canada and tell him what happened. It's always so fun to be the only parent around when you have to punish your children. Clay sent Jess a text message telling her she was grounded and how disappointed he was in her. But I still had to be the bad guy in person, and had to deal with all the drama! I have to admit she wasn't to bad about the whole thing. She was really pleasant to be with this weekend and it was nice to do stuff with just the family on Saturday instead of always having Tyler taking her attention away from us.
We took the kids to see Madagascar 2 on Saturday. It's really funny for the first part of the movie then it dies down at bit. Clay leaned over during the movie and asked me if this movie had any kind of story line to it. I told him it really didn't, it just kind of goes with the flow. But it made me laugh a few times, so I don't call it a complete failure.
I can't wait for two more weeks because that is when Twilight comes out. If you couldn't guess, I'm really excited about this movie!
Clay and I decided were going to Cedar City for Thanksgiving. Well actually we are going to stay with my sister and her family in St. George, but will be spending Thanksgiving day with my parents in Cedar. This should be really fun since all my brothers and sisters will be there that weekend. Hopefully the weather will be nice and maybe we can do some fun stuff outdoors while we are there. We have a lot of grandchildren and it gets pretty crazy when we all get stuck inside all day! But we already have it planned out for all the adult girls to go out one night to see Australia, the movie with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman (I love this guy). If you haven't seen the trailers for this movie yet, it looks really good!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sweet Sixteen!
Today my oldest child turns 16 years old! It seem like just a few years ago I found out I was pregnant with her. I don't think mine or Clay's family were too excited when we told them we were expecting Jess. Clay and I had only known each other two months when we got married, then I was pregnant a month after that. So you can see why our families didn't think this was the greatest news! But a few months before she was born Clay's little brother Cody died, and I think Jessica was a nice distraction for his family. Jessica was born the day Bill Clinton was elected president (the first time). I remember waking up the next morning after she was born(I had been heavily sedated after her birth), and hearing the TV in the room next door to me saying "president elect Clinton" and thinking "Wow, these drugs are really making me crazy". I never thought for a moment that he would be our next president, but I wasn't crazy, he really was!
Jessica was born very mature for her age. My dad has a favorite story about Jessica that he loves to tell anyone who will listen. When Jess was only three years old she got a scratch on her finger. She went to my dad and he asked her if she needed a band aid. Her reply to him was "No Papa, I need Neosporin on it first".
Even now she is more mature for her age. Clay and I wouldn't be surprised if after her first year of college she came home engaged to a 24 year old guy.
But that maturity came in handy for us many times. When Jess was ten I had just given birth to Luke. Jessica would wake up with the baby every morning, change his diaper, give him his bottle, and keep him happy for me so that I could sleep in. She knew I had been up a few times at night with him and she was so sweet to let me get a few more hours of sleep in the morning.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A whole lot of catch up- and we are the champions!
On Wed. evening Cody had his first play off game. We played the one team we lost too this season, it was nice to be given the chance to play them again. We won, 46-6!
At the end of the week I had to put together the Halloween party for Luke's class. It turned out really fun for the kids. We were able to decorate pumkin cookies, make spider pencils, play halloween bingo, and read spooky halloween books. Yes, that is Mrs. Potts behind Luke. His student teacher dressed up as the disney character, while his teacher was Raggy Ann.
Here are the kids right before they went out trick-or-treating. Luke was Indiana Jones, or Dr. Jones as he liked to be called. Cody was a dead hippie, Savannah was a doll, and Britt was a football player, wearing the good old Vacaville #44, yea!
Here's the family after the big win! I'm going to miss going to the games every Sat. I love football!!
Cody and Clay were so excited after the game was over. Clay told me he was more excited and nervous about this game then he ever was about any of his high school games.
After the big game we celebrated Jess's sweet 16th birthday. Clay is leaving for Canada tomorrow on business so we had to have the big party today, even though her real birthday isn't until Monday.