After a few turns down the hill we discovered if you hook up with other people (so that you have more weight) going down the hill you go a lot faster. So the last few trips down, Clay and I would go together and then the last time we all hooked up and went down as a family (minus Jess of course). Everyone has their own tubes, but one person hangs on to all the loops that connect each tube and then you fly down the hill. I took a video of when we went down all together.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tubing at Soldier Hollow
After a few turns down the hill we discovered if you hook up with other people (so that you have more weight) going down the hill you go a lot faster. So the last few trips down, Clay and I would go together and then the last time we all hooked up and went down as a family (minus Jess of course). Everyone has their own tubes, but one person hangs on to all the loops that connect each tube and then you fly down the hill. I took a video of when we went down all together.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Christmas Day
It took only an hour and we had Christmas unwrapped. The kids begged me to make their favorite rolls.
We laughed so hard when we saw the last picture that she decided to go a little over board and acted seriously crazy when she opened her next present.
Luke was thrilled with all his gifts this year. The two favorite were his tool box, with real tools and of course his Bakugans.
The funny part of the morning was when Luke, not waiting very patiently for his turn to open his presents, yelled out " It's not very fun watching other people open presents!"
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Getting ready for Christmas
Friday, December 19, 2008
Luke's kindergarten Christmas party
Today started off so terrible, first I woke up to find my walls covered in some kind of sticky clear drink. I asked Cody what it was and he told me that Jessica and Tyler had chased him around the house last night, while we were gone at the Temple, squirting him with juice boxes. It was everywhere, and I could only imagine where it was that I couldn't see with my eyes. Jessica had stayed home from school "sick" so I went to her room and asked her what happened. She told me the same story, except that Cody was involved in the squirting as well. I was so mad that my eldest daughter and her 18 year old boyfriend would do something so stupid. She got mad at me for yelling at her and stormed off to clean up the mess. After sort of cleaning it up she got dressed and started to walk to school. Clay got in the car and took off after her but she refused to get in the car. A few minutes later my relief society president called to tell me she saw Jess walking to school and pulled over and gave her a ride. So I win the most terrible parent in the world award today. During all of this Luke decided he didn't want to get ready for school, so after asking him 20 plus times to get ready I just gave up. When his ride came to get him I told them he wasn't going and that is when Luke exploded. He threw the worlds biggest tantrum, screaming and yelling and slamming doors. It was a great morning. Thankfully Clay was home during all of this so I had him to lean on during the whole morning mess. Clay got Luke ready and took him to school just in time for him to make the Christmas program they were singing in. Luke found his class and was able to go up on stage and sing his Christmas music.
After that I had Luke's class Christmas party. I'm the room mother for his class so it was my responsibility to put this party together. I was able to find a Santa suit from one of my neighbors and my wonderful husband agreed to play Santa for our party. Here is Clay walking in to the party. The kids eyes just about popped out of their sockets when they saw him walk in.
During the party we split the kids up into groups of six. The first thing they did was to decorate gingerbread men.
Then they played some Christmas bingo.
I didn't get a picture of the next station and that was our craft time. We had them make a reindeer out of a lunch sack.
Here is Luke sitting on Santa lap. He told me that he thought Santa looked like his dad. "They both have brown eyes" he said.
Here is the whole class right before Santa had to leave the party.
The best part was when Clay left the room, the entire class followed him out the door (the outside door). They wanted to see if he came in his sleigh and they wanted to see the reindeer. The rest of the school was outside for recess and they all ran to see Clay. Because the kindergarten rooms are separate from the rest of the school the rest of the school couldn't get to close because they was a fence around them. They started chanting "Santa, Santa, Santa". It was so cute, Clay was a total star for all of this. He later told me that he had to stop and say hello to some kids that were getting dropped off for afternoon kindergarten.
After the party we met up with my brother Tom who was in town for the day on business. We met him for lunch at JCW's, of course. We showed him the pictures of Clay playing Santa and he said that it looked like "Santa was using just for men on his eyebrow's only." If you look closely at the pictures, Clay's dark eyebrows are sticking out over his white hair and beard.
So even though it started off being a pretty terrible day, it ended with a great party and spending lunch with family.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Piano recital
We got the privilege last night of being able to go to Brittany and Savannah's piano recital. They both played well, Brittany a little better than Savannah. But in Savannah's defense she got her music last week that she played that night and Brittany's been practing her music for months. Clay didn't record all of Savannah's piece (don't ask me why) but we did get Brittany's entire song. I'm so proud of both my girls. They practice so hard everyday and both play beautifully!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I also forgot to mention that we got Cody's EEG test back from Primary children's hospital. The one he had taken right before thanksgiving to check to see if the seizure he had was just a one time thing or something more serious. Well, it came back normal. I can't tell you have relieved I was that we don't have to deal with another medical problem. Dealing with Savannah's diabetes is enough for me right now.
I'm going to go plow the driveway for the second time today and then get back to wrapping the last of the Christmas presents! I'm finally starting to get excited about Christmas now that it's snowing.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ward Breakfast Christmas party
Friday, December 12, 2008
Cody, Cody, Cody!
When he saw himself after it was over he asked me if he was still going to have his stitches in his head for Sunday. I told him he wouldn't get them out until Tuesday, and he said "Yes"! I asked him why that was so exciting for him and he said "I want to wear my black suit to church on Sunday, that way I'll look just like James Bond". I guess he saw a part of the movie James Bond when he had stitches in his head and of course he was wearing a black suit. I laughed and told him all the girls will think it's awesome that you have stitches, "it will make you look tough!" Cody is hoping he gets a scare out of this cause that will look cool too!
Here is Cody after it was all done. I wish you could see all the blood on his sweatshirt, but it is black.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas Letter to Santa
Cody had his EEG test at Primary Children's hospital last Weds. This is because of the seizure he had a few weeks ago. This test will tell us if it was a one time thing or something more serious. I haven't heard back from my Doctor about the results yet, but I'll let you know when I do.
The best part about this test was the night before the test Cody could only get 4 hours of sleep. We kept him up until 12:00a.m. the let him sleep until 4:00 a.m. I then woke him up, by pulling him out of bed, since he didn't want to get out on his own. The next two hours were torture! He was so tired I had a hard time keeping him awake. Plus he couldn't have any sugar or caffeine in his system so I couldn't use any of those resources to keep him awake. We watched a football game and I have to admit we both feel asleep on and off during those two hours. At six I finally just headed to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. After eating it was easier to stay awake. At the hospital they hooked him up with 26 electrodes and then wrapped his head to keep them all in place. Then for the next 30 mins. Cody had to fall asleep and let the test record his brain waves (that is why they have to be sleep deprived). He sleep the entire time and before he knew it the test was over.
After the test we called my SIL Kym, since we were up in her neck of the woods and we meet her for lunch. She took us to a great place called Trio, where we ate an amazing pizza, flat bread and salad. It was fun to be able to spend some time with her. She is due with her first baby next month and I know she will be very busy with her daughter and wont be able to do this kind of stuff for a while.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here is goes...
6 Things I believe in....
1. I believe that teenagers were sent to this earth to rapily age their parents.
2. I believe that hot baths, massage's and yes, sex is a great way to end a terrible day!
3. I believe that no matter how many times my kids lie, scream and slam their door at me, I will still love them uncondionally.
4. I believe being the den leader of 20 wolf cub scouts just might kill me.
5. I believe chocolate is the answer to anything!
6. I believe with out a shadow of doubt that my family, especially my husband loves me.
6 Things I don't believe in...
1. I don't believe in diets.
2. I don't believe in ironing my husbands shirts, that's what a laundry mat is for.
3. I don't believe in early morning church, or really late church as well.
4. I don't believe in going out in public without my hair and make up on!
5. I don't believe in aliens. But I do believe in haunted houses, sorry Rachelle.
6. I don't believe I'll make it to the celestial kingdom. I just have too many flaws.
6 Things I'm not sure about...
1. I'm not sure I'll ever live somewhere long enough to feel like it is home.
2. I'm not sure if I'll make it through 5 teenagers. And Clay would have more if I let him!
3. I'm not sure if I'm a good mother.
4. I'm not sure if I'll ever be skinny enough to make myself happy.
5. I'm not sure if I'll make it through next year without going on anythere cruise.
6. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to cheer for BYU even if one of my sons (we wont name who) plays football for them!